Amirkabir University of Technology- University News
Reluctance Switch Motors Utilized in Elevators

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Amirkabir University of Technology researcher Matin Vatani, and project manager of "Improving Design, Simulation & Fabrication of an Improved Linear Reluctance Switch Motor", said: "In this project, we attempted to make using linear electric motors economical by offering new solutions. This design can be used in the printing industry, including high-width printers/plotters, as well as 3D printers (as cartridge actuators). In the transportation industry, and especially in magnetic trains, the utilization of the proposed motor is very cost-effective and useful. It can also be used in the construction industry as well as in elevators (as elevator cabin actuator).
He added: until now, four IEEE-listed conference papers & a journal paper in Transaction on Transportation Electrification have been published. Moreover, a patent has been registered. Important innovations in our proposed structure include the use of a modular structure and angular deflection in the levers of the moving part. These innovations have created significant electromagnetic advantages such as amplifying the magnetic flux density at air distances, reducing the number of turns required for the coil, dramatically increasing the power density, reducing power fluctuations and increasing efficiency.”
Amirkabir University of Technology Professor, Dr. Mojtaba Mirsalim, was the advisor of this project.
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