Amirkabir University of Technology- Inventions, Discoveries and Achievements
Polymer Membranes for Natural Gas Sweetening and Removal of CO2 from Chimneys of Factories

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Researchers who work at AUT have accomplished creating a polymer membrane that helps sweeten natural gas and purifies Nitrogen gas from the flues of cement, iron, steel factories and petrochemical industries, which is both practical and economical.
Fereshteh Motahhari, a Ph.D. student in chemical engineering at AUT, stated: "The main source of producing CO2 in our country is flue gases that are produced from the post-combustion process at plants." The aim of this invention is to create an environmentally friendly and cost-effective networked polyethylene oxide membrane to enhance the performance membrane with the goal of eliminating CO2 from plant flues (separation of CO2 and N2) and thus avoiding carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere, and natural gas sweetening (separation of CO2 from CH4) to reduce corrosion of gas trunk lines.
It is should be noted that the advisor of this project was Dr. Ahmad Reza Raisi, a faculty member of AUT.
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